Kumamoto, Japan (photo Sando Tomoki)

Kumamoto, Japan (photo Sando Tomoki)

Kumamoto: floodlighted Ginkgo in fall (photo Sando Tomoki)

Ginkgo biloba 'Shimonojyo' of about 1,000 years old,
height 25 m, girth 10 m, male, with chichi, branch extend 34m east and west and extend 40m north and south.
Location: Kumamoto, Japan.

This tree has a legend: Women who have little milk to feed their baby can get more milk by praying to this tree
and drink the decocted sap of the bark.

Photos © and taken by my Ginkgo-friend Sando Tomoki.

YouTube video:
of my homepage.


Links to more photos of Ginkgo trees on:
Cor's Ginkgo Photos and my Where-pages: Index

© Cor Kwant