Ginkgo biloba

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English pages:

GINKGO BILOBA -The Ginkgo Pages -Index

The name:
Notes about the name Ginkgo biloba.

Engelbert Kaempfer
Ginkgo biloba, Harderwijk, the Netherlands
Goethe  poem Ginkgo biloba

 A living fossil,  Engelbert Kaempfer, Sakugoro Hirase, medicinal history, Hiroshima Ginkgo, more history.

Engelbert Kaempfer
Ginkgo biloba in the Tianmu Shan Reserve, China
Wild Ginkgo biloba on Dalou mountains, southwestern China
Ginkgo evolution in China
Ginkgo biloba Siebold & Zuccarini
A-bombed Ginkgo trees in Hiroshima, Japan
Oldest Ginkgo trees outside Asia

 Classification, evolution, pictures of fossils.

Ginkgo fossil pictures
Evolution in China
Cladogram, time scale, fossil spread maps, climate, paleolatitude
Ginkgo biloba in the Tianmu Shan Reserve, China
Wild Ginkgo biloba on Dalou mountains, southwestern China
Ginkgo evolution in China
Ginkgo biloba wood
Petrified Ginkgo  wood

The tree:
Classification, form (+ videos), wood, leaves (+ video), culture(+ video), planting, gender, bonsai, selections.

Fallen leaves.jpg 1024 x 1536
Ginkgo biloba 'Mariken'
Ginkgo biloba 'Pendula'
Ginkgo biloba 'Princeton Sentry'
Ginkgo biloba 'Tubifolia'
Ginkgo biloba cultivars
Ginkgo biloba in the Tianmu Shan Reserve, China
Wild Ginkgo biloba on Dalou mountains, southwestern China
Ginkgo biloba wood
Ginkgo biloba root system
Ginkgo leaf  venation
Ginkgo espalier
Ginkgo Ohatsuki
Ovule development, pollen,  photos and video motile sperms
Ginkgo rain: leaves all fall at the same time
Oldest Ginkgo trees outside Asia

Fertilization, determining the sex, dispersal agents, growing a Ginkgo from seed, emails from readers, video.

Ginkgo biloba seed - 769x1118
Oldest Ginkgos outside Asia
Ovule development, pollen,  photos and video motile sperms
Seed development photos
Female tree: leaves fall before the seeds

Symbolic function, ornamental tree, wood , seeds, leaves.

Ginkgo and Art Nouveau in Nancy (France):
Banque National de Paris, Nancy
Banque National de Paris, Nancy
Banque National de Paris, Nancy
Banque National de Paris, Nancy
Brasserie l'Excelsior, Nancy
Daum, Nancy
Rue St.Dizier, Nancy
Rue Victor Hugo, Nancy
Rue Victor Hugo, Nancy.
Pharmacie du Ginkgo, Nancy.
Majorelle: banisters with Ginkgo leaf design
Musée de l'Ecole de Nancy: entrance door
Ginkgo and Art Nouveau in Prague (Czech Republic):
Obecní dùm
Obecní dùm: entrance and facade
Obecní dùm: details facade
Obecní dùm: facade and detail
Obecní dùm: part of facade
Obecní dùm: facade detail and balcony
Hotel Central
Hotel Central: top of  building
Ginkgo biloba wood
Photos Ginkgo trees in China and some information about the seedproduction
Goethe  poem Ginkgo biloba
Poem by Howard Nemerov about the Ginkgo

General, styling, pruning, repotting, Ginkgo chichi bonsai, gallery with many Ginkgo bonsai photos, bonsai links.

Ginkgo art & design in past and present: part 1 | part 2
with picture gallery and poems by Goethe and Nemerov

Engelbert Kaempfer
Von Siebold
Ginkgo biloba, poem by Goethe
The Consent, poem by Howard Nemerov
Simile: Willow and Ginkgo, poem by Eve Merriam
Ginkgo biloba, Árbol milenario by Elena Martín Vivaldi
Ginkgo biloba and Art Nouveau in Nancy
Ginkgo biloba and Art Nouveau in Prague
Kimono Momoyama period
Ginkgo biloba wood
Gallery: many pictures and info: artgal1.htm - artgal73.htm
Ginkgo stamps

Where: America/Asia/Australia/New Zealand
Where: Europe
Where can special Ginkgo biloba trees be seen in the world with photos and details about them.

What's new (updates), other topics, videos and photos.

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Further reading
Cor's Ginkgo Photos and Videos
Details below
Videos on several pages, for instance on this page and many more here.


GINKGO BILOBA -The Ginkgo Pages- Cor's Ginkgo Photos and Videos

Ginkgo and Art Nouveau in Prague (Czech Republic):
Obecní dùm
Obecní dùm: entrance and facade
Obecní dùm: details facade
Obecní dùm: facade and detail
Obecní dùm: part of facade
Obecní dùm: facade detail and balcony
Hotel Central
Hotel Central: top of  building

Ginkgo and Art Nouveau in Nancy (France):

Banque National de Paris, Nancy
Banque National de Paris, Nancy
Banque National de Paris, Nancy
Banque National de Paris, Nancy
Brasserie l'Excelsior, Nancy
Daum, Nancy
Rue St.Dizier, Nancy
Rue Victor Hugo, Nancy
Rue Victor Hugo, Nancy.
Pharmacie du Ginkgo, Nancy.
Majorelle: banisters with Ginkgo leaf design
Musée de l'Ecole de Nancy: entrance door
Fallen leaves.jpg 1024 x 1536
Bonsai photos
Ginkgo biloba wood
Female tree: leaves fall before the seeds
Seed development
Ginkgo leaf  venation
Ginkgo espalier
Ovule development, pollen,  photos and video motile sperms

Ginkgo biloba cultivars
Ginkgo biloba 'Mariken'
Ginkgo biloba 'Pendula'
Ginkgo biloba 'Princeton Sentry'
Ginkgo biloba 'Tubifolia'

-Ginkgo biloba at Kumamoto Castle, Japan
-Ginkgo biloba in Kumamoto, Japan
-Ginkgo biloba in Anduze, France (Europe)
-Ginkgo biloba in New York City, USA
-Ginkgo biloba in the Tianmu Shan Reserve, China
-Wild Ginkgo biloba on Dalou mountains, southwestern China
-Ginkgo biloba in Virginia, USA
-Ginkgo biloba, Harderwijk, the Netherlands
-Oldest Ginkgos outside Asia
-A-bombed Ginkgo trees in Hiroshima, Japan
-A year in the life of a Ginkgo tree in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
-Ginkgo with chichi and haiku  in Fukuoka, Japan
- Japan: Minobusan - Temple Hongoku-Ji, Ohatsuki tree - leaves 

Ginkgo trees in:

the Netherlands
North America: Canada
North America: USA
Russian Federation
South America
South Korea
the United Kingdom
several countries

More photos here.

Videos on several pages, for instance on my blog and many more here.

German/Deutsch pages:

GINKGO BILOBA -The Ginkgo Pages -Index Deutsch

Der Name:
Bemerkungen zu dem Namen und das berühmte Gedicht von Goethe.

Engelbert Kaempfer
Ein lebendes Fossil,| Engelbert Kaempfer, Sakugoro Hirase, Medizingeschichte, der Hiroshima Ginkgo, mehr Geschichte.
Engelbert Kaempfer
Der Baum:
Botanische Einordnung, Gestalt, Blätter, Kultur, Pflanzen eines Baumes, Geschlecht, Bonsai, Züchtungen.

Befruchtung, Geschlechtsfestlegung, Verbreiter des Ginkgobaumes, einen Ginkgo aus dem Samen aufziehen.

Symbolische Funktion, Zierbaum, Holz, Samen, Blätter.

French/Français pages:

GINKGO BILOBA -The Ginkgo Pages -Index Français

Le nom:
Sur le nom de notre Arbre suivi du poème de Goethe.

Engelbert Kaempfer
Un fossile vivant, Engelbert Kaempfer, Sakugoro Hirase, histoire médicinale, le Ginkgo d’Hiroshima.
Engelbert Kaempfer
Classification, forme, bois, feuilles + video, culture, plantation, sexe, bonsaï, variétés.

Fécondation, détermination du sexe, dispersion, cultiver un Ginkgo à partir d'une graine.

Fonction symbolique, arbre d’ornement, bois, graines, feuilles.

Spanish/Español pages:

GINKGO BILOBA -The Ginkgo Pages -Index español

El nombre:
Notas acerca del nombre.

Engelbert Kaempfer
Ginkgo biloba, Harderwijk, Holanda (español)
Ginkgo biloba, poema  de Goethe
Un fósil viviente,  Engelbert Kaempfer, Sakugoro Hirase, historia medicinal, Ginkgo de Hiroshima, más historia.
Engelbert Kaempfer
Von Siebold
Ginkgo biloba en la Reserva Tianmu Shan
Ginkgo biloba silvestre, montañas Dalou, China sudoccidental
Evolución del Ginkgo
 Clasificación, evolución, imágenes de fósiles.
Imágenes de fósiles
Evolución del Ginkgo
Árbol filogenético de plantas, escala geológica del tiempo , propagación de fósiles, climate, paleolatitudes
Ginkgo biloba en la Reserva Tianmu Shan
Ginkgo biloba silvestre, montañas Dalou, China sudoccidental
Evolución del Ginkgo
Madera de Ginkgo
Madera de Ginkgo petrificada

El árbol:
Clasificación, forma,  madera,  hojas(+ video),  cultivo, plantación, género, bonsai, surtido.

         Madera de Ginkgo
        Ginkgo biloba en la Reserva Tianmu Shan
        Ginkgo biloba silvestre, montañas Dalou, China sudoccidental

Fertilización, determinando el sexo, agentes de dispersión, cultivando un Ginkgo desde semilla,  emails de los lectores.

         Madera de Ginkgo

Función simbólica, árbol ornamental, madera, semillas, hojas.

Ginkgo biloba y Art Nouveau en Nancy
Ginkgo biloba y Art Nouveau en Praga
Ginkgo biloba, poema  de Goethe
El Consenso, poema  de Howard Nemerov
Ginkgo biloba, Árbol milenario by Elena Martín Vivaldi
Madera de Ginkgo
Generalidades, estilos, poda, trasplante, bonsái de Ginkgo chichi, galería de fotos, enlaces.

Arte  &  Diseño
Arte &  Diseño y galería de imágenes.

Engelbert Kaempfer
Von Siebold
Ginkgo biloba, poema original de Goethe
El Consenso, poema  de Howard Nemerov
Ginkgo biloba, Árbol milenario by Elena Martín Vivaldi
Ginkgo biloba y Art Nouveau en Nancy
Ginkgo biloba y Art Nouveau en Praga
Kimono período Momoyama
Madera de Ginkgo

Dutch/Nederlands pages:

GINKGO BILOBA -Cor's Ginkgo Pages -Index nl

De naam:
De naam en Goethe's gedicht.

Engelbert Kaempfer
Een levend fossiel,  Kaempfer,  Sakugoro Hirase,  medicinale geschiedenis, Hiroshima Ginkgo.
Engelbert Kaempfer
De boom:
Classificatie, vorm, hout, bladeren, cultuur, het planten, geslacht, bonsai, cultivars.

 Bevruchting, vaststellen geslacht, verspreiders, het kweken van een Ginkgo uit zaad.

Symbool, sierboom, hout, medicinale toepassing.

About Cor Kwant
 Author / design / website The Ginkgo Pages / photos-videos (unless indicated otherwise): Cor Kwant.
Education: English and Dutch at VU University Amsterdam. I am a high school teacher and live in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Europe.
More information: click here.

Copyright information

©  1999 Cor Kwant:
Cor Kwant owns the intellectual property rights, including copyright (unless indicated otherwise), in and to this website.
All rights reserved.

All texts,  photos and other content on my entire website may not be copied
(except downloading a copy for your own  non-commercial personal use),
distributed or published in any form or by any means without my written permission.


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Background painting
© Atsuko Kato: 'Grenzenlös'
©  Cor Kwant